My personal blog: Review of Oriflame's Wellness App badge


Thursday 19 November 2015

Review of Oriflame's Wellness App

I logged on to the app once today. I first checked the overall look and features of this application. After installing the app, I created a new account by entering my email ID and password and logged into my account. I found three tabs at the top: (1) Day, (2) Week and (3) Month and 5 tabs at the bottom: (1) Home, (2) Social, (3) Add (Exercise, Wellbeing, Nutrition, Supplements, (4) Trophies and (5) Settings. It was easy to navigate through the app and familiarize with the features. I read the About Wellnesslife+ page which gave me the complete information I was looking out for. I first added my exercise details: walking and I earned 25 points. I published the details. I added my Wellbeing by clicking the Happiness, Sleep Status and Stress Level options and saved my entry for the day. It earned me 19 points. I added the food I ate during the day like less fatty food and less oily food and I earned 19 points for the same. I was not sure as to what to enter in the Supplement option as I am not using any pack. I earned a total of 63 points.

Walking set to 45 minutes, Cycling, Ball sports?

The pros of the app:

1. The app was easy to browse and I could understand the features as well.
2. The app lets a person login through their facebook account as well.
3. I am able to add people from my Friends list of FB via the Social tab.

The cons of the app:

1. I could not get the options mentioned on the Supplement page.
2. In the Leaderboard tab, only my entry was visible. I am not sure if the app can show me results of others as well who have earned more points than I have.
3. The app lets me like my own entry and comment on it which is not appropriate. The option should be disabled for the same user.
4. The options available in the Wellbeing tab do not mention the percentage of Happiness selected.
5. There are very few options given in the Exercise tab. For example, cycling is not given as an option and there is an option Ball Sports which many do not practise. It would be better if one could add their own exercise and assign points to it. Also, walking option has self assigned 45 minutes while I walked only for 30 minutes. There can be a certain number of points assigned to a person who has walked for lesser time.
6. Details about nutrional food is mentioned in the Nutrition tab. It would be better if the option would mention as to what food contains how many calories and connect with the internet if a person choses a food item not mentioned in the database of the app and self enter the number of calories. For example, if a person enters fish, the app would research via the internet and enter 5 calories and so on.
7. The app crashed twice after 30 minutes of using the same.


1. The app has a great design but it could be more colorful when it comes to one adding the Exercise as an entry.
2. Each option like Walking, Running, etc. could be assigned a different and unique color.
3. Images of food products could be used in the Nutrional tab. The Home page as well can be customized for users.

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