The startling figures that the Nihar Naturals #IAmCapable survey conducted by Nielsen India reveals:
a. 69% of men agree that their judgement of women is based on their looks.
b. 64% of women agree that the judgments passed on them have affected their ability to reach their true potential.
c. 70%of women agree that majority of judgments on women are from family members or friends rather than strangers.
d. 72% of women agree that working women face more judgments on their looks or their clothes than housewives.

I just watched Life OK, Savdhaan India, Savdhaan India, and the show episode was based on this factor itself. It narrated an incident of a girl who was over weight and married to a man who falls in love with the sister as she looks more beautiful than his wife. The show explains the story keeping in mind it's a sensitive issue and it is the real truth of our society as well where women face discrimination and people judge them on their looks rather than their talent and heart.
Reading the statistics given by Blogadda, the figures are shocking but the truth that exists even today. It's too sad to see that 69% men think that women are judged based on their looks alone. My view about this makes me saddened as only the external beauty of a woman matters and not their external qualities and talent.
I being myself judged for my weight being less can understand how does one feel when they are judged based on that. I am an Engineer and when I even go out for interviews, I am asked about my weight, my clothes are judged and then my hair style is judged rather than my degrees which are given less importance. Even while working, I feel it weird to hear remarks about my weight and clothes and my colleagues too start passing taunts and comments about me being thin. It has not only happened in my office but also when I was in college, a professor made fun of me saying that I was light as a feather and the entire class start laughing and mocking me. Even at times, my own cousins pass remarks about my weight and call me a vegetable which makes me angry and hurt a lot.
Being based on looks, clothes and our weight are very saddening but I want this viewpoint to change. It has not happened to me personally, but my friend was many a times put down when she met her future husband who kept making remarks of her being dark skinned. He wanted dowry because of her color and her parents refused to give any dowry because of which her relationship was cancelled. She was so talented in studies but only her looks were judged and mocked. When I heard her, I couldn't stop my tears and she told me that I am fair skinned and hence I won't be facing such problems but I too face a discrimination because of being under weight.
Another experience which I would like to share is when I had gone for an interview and my mom was waiting outside. A stranger who was sitting next to her was watching the girls passing by and making remarks about them based on their clothing. According to him, girls wearing jeans were characterless while those wearing salwars were decent. My mother was shocked and she felt sick of his thoughts.
It's high time that women start speaking about it and make an oath to stop people from judging women based on their looks and rather take into account their qualities which should matter for one and all.
I’m breaking stereotypes based on appearance by sharing my experience for the #IAmCapable activity at BlogAdda in association with Nihar Naturals.
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