My personal blog: SmellytoSmiley contest Post 1 badge


Sunday, 14 June 2015

SmellytoSmiley contest Post 1

Bad odor in a house is tough to handle at times and when it is the rainy season where the entire house starts smelling due to the dust and clothes too don't get dried outside and hence we need to get them dried inside the house. Due to the moisture and heat, these clothes don't get dried easily and they even start smelling due to the sweat and atmosphere.

One such incident happened recently when the room started stinking and smelling due to the damp clothes. My mother had dried her clothes in the bedroom and they were stinking so badly that she had to rewash the clothes again due to the dampness and I advised her to leave the clothes as it is and instead we will use perfume to remove the bad odor of the clothes.

It gets embarrasing at times when the guests need to visit the washroom and wven when the clothes drying in the washroom are taken off, the smell does continue to remain inspite of using air freshners or spraying perfumes and the guests do not appreciate this fact and leave our house with a disappointment. This makes our mood as well bad as we do everything to make our guests feel comfortable while the smell and bad odor due to the dampness ruins all our plans and makes the place stink badly.

Even at nights, we get the bad odor of the dresses and shirts kept for drying and the smell is very unpleasant. We also had instances where people did advise us to make our room smell fresh and how to remove the bad odor of the we clothes but it did not help and this fact made it tough for us to entertain guests when the room is smelling bad. If we have any surprise guests, the issue gets worse as we need to remove all the clothes and even make sure the room does not have any unpleasant odor and smells pleasant.

Wet clothes are a problem for us and its unpleasing odor does not only cause problems for us within the house ut also creates an issue when we wear then after they dry. It is tough to spray anything on the wet clothes and drying them in a separate room is the only solution we have found and it works as well. This prevents the smell from affecting our guests and we also take care of the smell after the clothes get dried.

I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley activity in association with Ambi Pur

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